Upcoming events and activities
- Valentine’s day party: If you would like a list of your child’s classmates, please ask your child’s teacher.
- Pyjama Day: February 26, March 26, and May 27. Your child may wear their pyjama’s to school and may also bring in a stuffed animal! The children will watch a movie (or part of one) and have popcorn or chips in SMI.
- April 22: Picture day for Graduating Children
- May 11: Mother’s Day Brunch. All mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and family friends are welcome to celebrate the event with some goodies from the children!
- June 19: Graduation Night
- June 22: Father’s Day Brunch. All fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and family friends are welcome to celebrate the event with some goodies from the children!
- August 21: Hello/Goodbye Party. This party is held at SMI to give the staff, children and parents an opportunity to say hello to new the children starting in September, and to say goodbye and good luck to the children who have graduated and moving onto BIG SCHOOL!
Here is a list of some of the events and activities that the daycare and children have taken part in: